Monday, January 2, 2012

Restoration Ecotechnology for Mine Rehabiltation

Suitable techniques are very important for restoring mined area. The formation of biotopes by spontaneous vegetation development is essential for eco-development. Afforestation and the ecological dynamics of spoil site forest are of very high silvicultural importance and must be taken into account when creating and managing reclamation forest. The removal of topsoil, stock piling and revegetation techniques for restoration of mining sites is very important. Several techniques include reliance on natural forest vegetation, mixed commercial species planting of mostly exotic timber trees. Direct sowing with native early successional tree species and mixed native species planting is on least risk of failure and favorable for enhancing succession to start. The revegetion methods for the strong acidic coal spoil observed plants of Ficus formosana; Rhus chinensis Festuea arundinacia and Axonopus affinis used as pioneer plants for the restoration of strongly acidic mine spoil. Control burning of rehabilitation sites has the potential to increase the establishment of native species in rehabilitated. For maintaining fertility of land 15 cm topsoil should be stripped and respired on the rehabilitated pits at a sallower depth to maximize the establishment and seedling emergence via soil seed bank. Tree seedlings should be planted in a partially stabilized mine spoil area for amelioration affect on soil. Allowing natural process to rehabilitate the walls of abandoned quarries are the recruitment of an uncommon but native component of biodiversity reduced initial cost and also reduced long term maintenance cost. It is recommended that quarries should not be rehabilitated by back filling of exposed quarry walls. Site preparation and management for rehabilitation of mined sites include weed control, soil ripping to 500 mm and stock proof fencing. Maiden cut should be made after initial 1-year establishment period to facilitate coppicing in newly grown trees. Mixing the mine spoil with black soil, fly ash and gypsum at the iron ore overburden results in better seedling growth. The detoxification of the mine spoils by surface application of limestone with or without fertilizer to facilitate colonization by woody species is suitable practice. Different measures for rehabilitation of mined areas and over burden have been tested and models developed through scientific research. Site preparation, tree species trials, planting methods moisture conservation methods in mine spoil help in developing successful restoration. Soil and water conservation measures in mine spoil areas are important before going for plantation. The conservation measures included trench mound planting, control of gullying by erecting gabion structures and providing vegetative checks are important. Mining sites could be revegetated only after reclamation measures. In opencast coal mining areas soil and plants should be taken as independently for the formation and maintenance of healthy forest. The success of biorestoration of surface mined lands derelict by surface mined lands which depends on assessment of site specific problems, selection of appropriate plant species to ensure revival of the ecosystem and application of suitable practice for the site. Direct seedling and planting seedlings are suitable methods for establishing different mine sites. The emphasis of restoring conservation values on rehabilitated mines, direct seedling is preferred method of establishment which creates a natural distribution of trees. Different techniques and choice of tree species developed for forest regeneration on barren lands and mined out sites. The biological reclamation with herbs grasses in the initial stage followed by shrubs and trees resulted in thick vegetation. Improvement and sustained stable productive plant communities. Suitable practical way to establish a productive plantation is form nursery development at site.

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