Monday, January 2, 2012

Woman Empowerment and Livelihood Intervention

According to Grosset Webster dictionary ‘Empowerment’ indicates “the situation of authority or to be authorized or to be powerful”. In other words ‘Empower’ means to authorize, so ‘Empowerment’ is a process, which gives women power or authority to challenge some situation. When we discussed and talk about women’s development issues and think about women empowerment then empowerment of women look nourished by development policies and programs that could enable women to get enough strength to challenge their dutiful social condition or status. The definition of empowerment according to the concept of United Nations Development Program (UNDP) includes the expansion of choices for women and an increase of ability to exercise those choices when women are empowered. According to UNDP definition improvement in women’s access to economic opportunities through credit and employment program could expand their choices to take over. Health and education related program could enhance their capability to take advantage of those choices. The two elements in the definition of empowerment are not separate issue but interrelated. It is perceived that when a development program increases women’s choices of employment by providing credit facilities, it expands choices before them and should raise also their ability to exercise those choices. Different programs and actions those attempt to strengthen women’s capacity to choose or capacity to exercise their choices can expand their choices also. Common programs like schooling program for women should both increase their voice in the family and the range of job options open to them. Economic globalisation in more generalised terms is dominating the world socio-economic scenario for the last two decades. The process is having significant impacts on India. Effectiveness of public sector economic development programs is increasingly being questioned. Higher accountability and participatory approach are becoming more acceptable means for implementation of programs. To assess the roles of the public sector and voluntary organisations in the process of conducting economic development programs for women in India is playing important role. For better understanding it analyses whether implementation of economic development programs involuntarily improves the level of empowerment of women. Women are micro-entrepreneurs and engaged in self-employment business for many years in different ways like managing small budget for household. During several watershed management projects it highlights that various Non Government Organizations (NGOs) development programs have contributed more than other programs to improve the economic and social status of women beneficiaries. The success stories of several micro credit programs where women got empowerment in managing things are classical example of success. Woman self-help groups for livelihood generation and managing natural and common property resources are prominent. NGOs are having positive qualities that make them more successful in reaching the poorer sections of society. The major positive point lies in the NGO development strategy or approach. This approach includes participation, partnership and member accountability. This gives woman confidence and hand in managing things.

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